What to Expect
Our routine/complex nail cutting service caters to both routine and complex nail care needs. Whether you are struggling to get down to cut your nails or your nails are thick and tough, our skilled podiatrist is here to ensure comfort and satisfaction.
Complex Nail Conditions
our method & aim
Specialised techniques and tools are used to effectively address concerns with complex nail conditions such as thickened nails. We aim to alleviate discomfort and pain to improve the health of these nails with the utmost care and diligence.
Causes of Thickened Nails
Fungal Infection
Poor Footwear
Certain Medications
Systemic Conditions
This can lead to the nail thickening as the nail matrix (the area where the nail grows) can get damaged causing the production of excess keratin, resulting in thickened nails.
As individuals age, their nails become thicker and brittle due to decreased circulation to the nail bed as well as changes in the nail matrix (the area where the nail grows)
Fungal infections, also known as Onychomycosis, can lead to thickened nails as the fungus causes the nail to become discoloured, thickened and brittle.
Tight-fitted and poor footwear can lead to thickening of the nails due to the constant pressure, inadequate support, and repeated trauma.
Some medications such as chemotherapy agents, have side effects of nail thickening or changes in the texture of the nail.
Specific systemic conditions such as Psoriasis and Peripheral Vascular Disease can affect the health of nails, hence contributing to thickening of the nail.
Arrange an Appointment Today
We're passionate about our services and we believe this one is just right for you. So get in touch and we'll arrange an appointment at your earliest convenience.