zp podiatry

Services & Treatments

We strive for excellence, by delivering convenient, personalised foot care services tailored to your needs, right at your doorstep.

Browse our range of treatments below.

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Routine/Complex Nail Cutting

Our routine/complex nail cutting service caters to both routine and complex nail care needs. Whether you are struggling to get down to cut your nails or your nails are thick and tough, our skilled podiatrist is here to ensure comfort and satisfaction. 

For routine nail cutting, our expert podiatrist provides meticulous trimming and shaping, promoting optimal nail health. Hygiene and precision are maintained to leave you with nails that are neat and well-kept. 

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Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is where the edge or a piece of the nail grows or pierces into the surrounding skin of the toe. This condition can be extremely painful and can sometimes lead to the affected area being irritated, swollen or infected. Ingrown toenails most commonly affect the big toe, but it can occur in the other toes too. Early intervention can help alleviate pain, reduce the risk of complications, and promote healing of the affected toe.

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Callus and Heel Fissures

Callus or callosity is an area of thickened, hard skin that develops as a protective response to constant pressure and friction. Calluses commonly form on the feet, usually on the heels and areas where bones protrude and rub against shoes. Calluses can cause discomfort when the area becomes very thick or when repeated pressure is applied to it. The appearance of callus is usually a yellow colour, and it is rough to touch.

Heel fissures, also known as cracked heels, refers to dry, thickened skin on the heels that develops into cracks or fissures.

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Corns are conical shaped areas of thickened, hardened skin, with the point of the cone of the corn being deep within the tissues, hence causing pain if it presses on a nerve. Corns are caused by repeated pressure and friction and can be very uncomfortable and painful, it is often described as feeling like you are walking on a stone.

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A verruca is a plantar wart that commonly occurs around the toe area or on the soles of the foot. They are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and are contracted through direct contact with the virus and direct person-to-person contact, such as walking barefoot in communal areas like swimming rooms. The most common appearance of a verruca is a small-cauliflower type growth with black dots, which are small blood vessels. A verruca can be painful especially when weight bearing or when pressure is applied to it.

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Diabetic Foot Assessment

Diabetes can affect the feet in many ways. Diabetes causes damage to the nerve endings, resulting in a loss of sensation in the feet, also known as neuropathy. Similarly, Diabetes can also reduce blood flow to the feet, resulting in reduced circulation. Diabetic foot ulcers are a common complication which develop due to neuropathy, reduced circulation, and various other factors. Diabetes also causes delayed wound healing, which increases the risk of infection and requires specialist wound care. Diabetes can lead to various complications, particularly in the feet, making regular assessment and care essential for preventing serious issues.


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General Footcare Advice

Diabetes can affect the feet in many ways. Diabetes causes damage to the nerve endings, resulting in a loss of sensation in the feet, also known as neuropathy. Similarly, Diabetes can also reduce blood flow to the feet, resulting in reduced circulation. Diabetic foot ulcers are a common complication which develop due to neuropathy, reduced circulation, and various other factors. Diabetes also causes delayed wound healing, which increases the risk of infection and requires specialist wound care. Diabetes can lead to various complications, particularly in the feet, making regular assessment and care essential for preventing serious issues.


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